2~4 R221®樹脂に包埋された各種サンプルのボリューム電顕画像
Various samples were High Pressure Frozen using the HPM Live μ® , freeze substituted using 0.05% of Urany Acetate , 0.1% of Glutaradehyde and 5% H2O in dry acetone , then embedded in R221 prior to various image volume imaging methods :
- vEM on the cell monolayer using either a SigmaVP SEM or a Zeiss Crossbeam 540 SEM
2. 3View2XP (Gatan) top view, Sigma VP SEM (Zeiss)
Voltage: 2kV; High Current: Off; Aperture: 30micron; Pressure: 8 Pa (N2gas); Magnification: 7500; Contrast: 8; Brightness: 5; Frame size: 8192 x 8192; Pixel size: 4.3nm; Dwell time: 3 μs; Slice thickness: 100 nm
3. Zeiss Crossbeam 540 SEM top view, Atlas 5 for 3D tomography acquisition (Zeiss)
4. Crossbeam Lateral view
Accelerating voltage: 1.5 keV; Current: 1 nA; EsB detector (1200 V grid); Frame size: 4139x1549 (rotated); Pixel size: 5 nm; Slice thickness: 5 nm; Dwelltime: 10 μs
5~6 R221®樹脂に包埋されたサンプルを用いたCLEM
Various samples were High Pressure Frozen using the HPM Live μ®, freeze substituted using 0.05% of Urany Acetate , 0.1% of Glutaradehyde and 5% H2O in dry acetone , then embedded in R221 prior to various image volume imaging methods :
-TEM @ 80kV of a 90nm ultrathin section , without post-staining
-Confocal microscopy , 3View with a Sigma VP, Crossbeam 540, and data merging usng eC-CLEM.
Technai 12, 80kV, 90nm thin section. No post-staining.